Now those of you who know me know that I don't care for the Sci-Fi channel, I'm not a Trekkie, and for the most part I hate science fiction books. However, I am in awe of the space program especially the Mercury, Gemini, and Apollo programs. The fact that 40 years ago we were able to send a man all the way to the moon and back with slide rules and computers the size of houses is simply mind boggling. It really is one of the coolest things that humans have ever done, and the pictures are amazing!
Further more, the fact that 40 years ago they were able to run computers and programs reliable enough to get to the moon and back, and I can't seem to get a word processor that doesn't crash on a regular basis or an internet connection that isn't crap is baffling.
All I can say is Macs rule!!
Hey Nathan. You may not remember me, we met almost a year ago in Provo while I was visiting Elisa, and I ate breakfast at your house and watched conference. Just wanted to drop a line as I check out your blog every now and again, and am feeling a bit stockerish tonight(as it has been so long since we actually met). Last I knew, you did not have facebook... if I haven't completely freaked you out, my e-mail is mzavoral@gmail.com.
PS. We never really went to the moon.
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