(Please Note: I am a terrible food pornographer.)
Perhaps it was the bag of pears I insisted on picking at the church ranch; perhaps it was the concussion that I inflicted upon myself while I was folding laundry; most likely it was the suggestion of a fellow foodie that drove me to try and poach pears.
It took a good half hour of haggling over which pears were in the sufficient state of ripeness, not to mention a good hour the night before at the grocery story trying to procure the correct spices. The spices in which the pears were poached smelled fantastic. The chocolate sauce made with baker's chocolate, cream, and a little honey was,... well I won't cheapen chocolate with poorly chosen adjectives. In the end, while it looks decadent, I ended up with a pear in my ice cream and chocolate sauce. It wasn't bad, but it didn't thrill me. I'm willing to try again so I if anyone has a great recipe for poached pears please share.
Glad it at least turned out okay! I am not a big fan of fruit and chocolate together, so no recipes to share. Um....you got a concussion in the laundry room? Everything okay? What are the next job leads?
You are a better food pornographer than you give yourself credit for.
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