The holidays are finally over; as is the shortest day of the year and the family wedding. As you may have already heard, the wedding was magical and December 21st was, well, short. Christmas was nice and quiet. Turns out it was to be the only quiet part of the last few weeks.
December in Nevada was cold and snowy. Temperatures frequently dropped blow zero and by the time all was said and done we had a foot and half or more snow with drifts that were much deeper. I got out my snow boots, but snow shoes would have served me better on the walk to work. This last week we've seen temperatures in the high 30's to mid 40's with sunny skies. The snow melted enough that I was even able to walk to work sans boots! (as long as I was careful where I stepped) I still end up in snow up to my knees when I try to walk across the rail yard. However, the days are getting a little longer. It's now barely still light outside when I leave the dental office instead of pitch dark. Nonetheless, I am still aware that February is generally miserably cold, but the muddy days of April and May are just around the corner. I can feel it coming and I can't wait.
To pass the winter months I'm planning road trip to the Southwest. It is astounding how great 50 degrees feels after -15.
Happy New Year!
Glad you had a quiet Christmas. Things have been busy at your parent's place lately! We were sad to miss yet another wedding. I look forward to hearing about your adventure to the Southwest!
Where exactly in the southwest are you going?
I hope that includes a trip through Arizona. :) Specifically the Phoenix/Mesa area. :)
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