Okay, as I write this I am fully aware that someone (probably my grandma who is far more computer savy than myself) will scream foul and call me a caveman, but hear me out. Something has gotten lost in our new digital world, perhaps even a lot of things have been lost. In our world of instantly correct, delete, erase, and start over people have some how lost the notion that what the say, do, and/or step in has an affect on the world around them. Conversation has become flippant and senceless as we communicate through text messages to our BFF's instead of actually talking to them. We plug in our ipods and surround ourselves with music of our own choosing, refusing to listen to anything that we have not preselected. It is entirely possible to surround ourselves in a digital cocoon of our own construction; effectively blocking out our exposure to ,quite nearly, anything that may be new and/or different. You can even block out the birds and anything else as you walk to wherever it is you're going. Rachel Carson's "Silent Spring" is not going to brought about by pesticides (mostly thanks to the enviromental nut jobs) but by technology. Guys in particular, being able to run an exel spreadsheet is no substitue for being able to successfully run your own lawnmower or change a tire. The modern day "nerd" is not the new "do it yourself-er". I say quit insulating yourself from life. It takes time to learn to enjoy a good piece of music by Charles Mingus. Take a look (and listen) to what's going on around you. Get out the old typewriter and throw your correction tape to the four winds. Mistakes happen, and you need to start taken responsibility for the ones you make.
So how exactly do you justify a rant against technology left on your *blog*?!
Hey, nice blog! If you have any Bohn quotes or things to add to our activities list, please let me know!
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